How to use Pandali Folder Master to transfer folders between Gmail and Outlook

These instructions may change periodically.
  1. Enable IMAP in Gmail:
    1. Log into Gmail.
    2. Go to Settings (upper right).
    3. Go to the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab.
    4. Check the Enable IMAP option.
    5. Click the link for "Configuration Instructions".
    6. Save Changes.
  2. Next, we'll add the Gmail IMAP account into Outlook. It's best to follow the instructions listed in Gmail's configuration instructions. They may also be available at:

    After adding the account into Outlook, skip to Step 13 below.

    Here are the instructions for Outlook 2007 (though they are liable to change; it is preferable to follow the instructions on the Gmail website):

  3. In Outlook, go to Tools, Account Settings. Click New...
  4. Check the box for "Manually configure server settings...". Click Next.
  5. Choose "Internet E-mail" and click Next.
  6. Enter in your name and your email address ("").
  7. Change account type to IMAP. Incoming server should be Outgoing server should be Enter your Gmail logon information. The Secure Password Authentication checkbox at the bottom should be UNchecked.
  8. Click More Settings..., and go to the Advanced Tab.
  9. Set the port for the Incoming server to 993, and use SSL for "Use the following type of encrypted connection".
  10. Set the port for the Outgoing server to 587, and use TLS for the type of encrypted connection.
  11. Go to Outgoing Server tab, and check the box for "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication".
  12. Click OK to close the Internet E-mail Settings window, then Next and Finish to close the Add New E-mail Account window.
  13. In Pandali Folder Master, click the Refresh button so that it sees the new Gmail store.
  14. Now you can drag Outlook folders into the top level Gmail folder ( Note it may not allow you to add folders inside the Inbox folder in Gmail.

    Note that non-email folders such as calendar, contact, task, or notes folders cannot be copied to Gmail.