Contact Pandali

Use the form below to give us comments, register a product, or provide feedback about a product.

We do not give out your e-mail address or other information to anyone without your consent. We will not send you ads or announcements about product updates unless you specifically choose to receive them.

All fields are optional except if you are reporting a bug, in which case, please see below for specific information.

If you are reporting a bug, please see below for specific information.

Bug Reporting

If describing a bug or problem with a product, please include:
  1. The product name and version
  2. The version of Windows you are using and of Microsoft Office if applicable
  3. The exact steps to reproduce the problem
  4. As much additional information about your system as you feel is relevant to diagnosing the issue
All other fields are optional.

To find out the version of a product, start the product on your computer and choose Help, and then About <Product>... or Help....

If you would like a response from Pandali about this particular issue, choose the appropriate option from the dropdown underneath the "Please comment below" box.

Mailing Address

We can also be reached at:
Pandali Corporation
1337 Skyview Dr
Burlingame, CA 94010

Consulting Services

Pandali now offers consulting services. Find out more here.

Other Projects / Sister Sites

You can find out more about Pandali's other projects here. We also have a Pandali Blog on blogspot.